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Governing Document of the Design Research Society


In 2024 the Design Research Society become a UK registered charity (number 1210067) after becoming incorporated as a Limited Liability Company in 2023, registered with Companies House in London (company number 15064224).

The original constitutional rules were drawn up in accordance with the directive given at the Inaugural Meeting of the Society and by the General Meeting held 24th May 1967.

2010: Subsequent amendments have been consolidated and the rules renumbered. Approved by the AGM, 10th December 2010.

2014: Amended and approved at the AGM, 30th June 2014.

2020: Amended and approved at a Special General Meeting,  21st Jan 2020.

2022: Amended and approved at the Biennial General meeting (BGM), 30th June 2022.

A PDF version of the Rules of the Design Research Society can be downloaded here.



1.1              In these rules:

“Clear Days”

in relation to the period of a notice means a period excluding:

(a)   the day when the notice is given or deemed to be given; and

(b)   the day for which it is given or on which it is to take effect;

“Governing Body”

comprised of the International Advisory Council (“Council”) and the Executive Board (“Board”)

“Governing Body Member”

an elected member of the Governing Body;

“Electronic form”

has the meaning given in Section 1168 of the Companies Act 2006;

“Registered Member”

a person admitted by the Society as a member;


the Design Research Society;

1.2              Words importing one gender shall include all genders, and the singular includes the plural and vice versa.





2.1 The Society shall be a voluntary, non-profit-making body of persons associated for the purpose of advancing design research, through the collection, preservation and dissemination of information, and its application to improve the practices of, and increase knowledge about, design and design education.
2.2 The Society shall not support with its funds any object, or endeavour to impose upon, or procure to be observed by its Registered Members or others, any regulation, restriction or condition which, if an object of the Society, would make it a trade union.




3.1 The income of the Society shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Society’s objects and no portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of profit to the Registered Members.
3.2 Provided that nothing herein shall prevent the payment in good faith of remuneration to any officer or servant or any Registered Member in return for services actually rendered to the Society, or the payment to any Registered Member of out of pocket expenses properly incurred in the service of the Society.




4.1              The Society shall be dissolved if a resolution to that effect is passed by a majority of at least 75% of the Registered Members at a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose.

4.2              If upon winding up the Society there remains, after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any property or assets, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the Registered Members, but shall be transferred to another institution(s) having objects similar to those of the Society, such institutions being determined by the Registered Members at or before the time of dissolution. 




5.1              A Registered Member shall be a person engaged in designing, design research and/or desirous of supporting the Society’s objects and who is on the Society’s register of members.

5.2              Application for membership shall be made via the Society’s website or such other means as specified by the Governing Body from time to time.

5.3              Admission to the membership of the Society is subject to approval by the Governing Body who may delegate responsibility for reviewing and approving applications to the Society Administrator.

5.4              From time to time, the Governing Body may determine categories of membership, subscriptions and means of collection of subscriptions.

5.5              A record shall be kept containing the full names, email addresses, other appropriate contact information, and descriptions of all Registered Members. The Society shall comply with General Data Protection Regulations (as amended from time to time) in terms of the control and processing of membership data.

5.6              No person shall be entered in the record and thus enjoy the privileges of membership unless the first annual subscription has been paid.




6.1              Membership is terminated if:

6.1.1          the Registered Member resigns from the Society by giving notice to the Society Administrator. If the Registered Member resigns during the year, no part of his or her annual subscription shall be reimbursed;

6.1.2          the Registered Member’s subscription is more than three months overdue and the Registered Member has been informed of this fact by the Membership Secretary, unless the Governing Body have decided to take note of any special circumstances;

6.1.3          the Registered Member is removed from membership by a resolution of the Governing Body that it is in the best interests of the Society that his or her membership is terminated. A resolution to remove a Registered Member from membership may only be passed if:             the Registered Member and the Members of the Governing Body shall have been given 14 days’ notice of such a proposal;             the Registered Member shall have the right to be represented at a meeting of the Governing Body; and             the Registered Member shall have the right to appeal against the decision to terminate his or her membership at a Special General Meeting.

6.2              Any person who has been a Registered Member and whose membership has been terminated may apply to the Governing Body for reinstatement. The Governing Body may, at its sole discretion, and without assigning any reason thereto, grant or refuse such application.




7.1             A Biennial General Meeting of members (“BGM”) shall be held every two years to:

7.1.1          approve the accounts for the Society for the previous two years;

7.1.2          receive reports on the Society’s previous two year’s activities;

7.1.3          confirm new appointments to the Governing Body; and

7.1.4          transact any other business which has been included in the agenda made available to Registered Members before the meeting.

7.2              A Special General Meeting (“SGM”) may be called by:

7.2.1          the Governing Body at any time;

7.2.2          the Honorary Secretary with the support of any two Governing Body Members; or

7.2.3          any Registered Member forwarding a statement to the Honorary Secretary, signed by at least one tenth of Registered Members, giving the reason for requiring a SGM.




8.1              The Honorary Secretary shall give 14 Clear Days’ notice of all general meetings, stating the place, day and hour of the meeting and the business to be transacted.

8.2              The notice shall be given to all Registered Members.




9.1              A general meeting may be held by suitable electronic means agreed by the Governing Body in which each participant may communicate with all the other participants.

9.2              No business shall be transacted at any general meeting unless a quorum is present. “Present” includes being present by suitable electronic means agreed by the Governing Body in which a participant or participants may communicate with all the other participants.

9.3              A quorum at any general meeting shall be 20 or 10% of Registered Members, whichever is the higher, present in person or by suitable electronic means.

9.4              In the event of a quorum not being obtained within 15 minutes of the time fixed for the commencement of a general meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a time and place within the following 21 days designated by the Honorary Secretary, when the Registered Members present shall constitute a quorum.

9.5              Each Registered Member has one vote either by a show of hands or electronic voting. Unless otherwise stated in the rules, questions arising at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes.

9.6              A Registered Member is not eligible to vote at a general meeting or in relation to a written resolution if their subscription is overdue.

9.7              The President shall normally chair general meetings.

9.8              If the President is not able to chair a general meeting, the Chair or, in the Chair’s absence, the Vice-Chair of the Society will preside.

9.9              If the President, Chair or Vice-Chair of the Society cannot chair a general meeting, the Registered Members present may appoint a chair from among their number.

9.10            The Chair may adjourn a general meeting if necessary, but when continued no business shall be transacted other than that for which the adjournment took place.




10.1            A resolution in writing agreed by a majority of not less than 75% of the Registered Members who would have been entitled to vote upon it had it been proposed at a general meeting shall be effective provided that:

10.1.1       a copy of the proposed resolution has been sent to every eligible Registered Member;

10.1.2       a majority of not less than 75% of Registered Members has signified its agreement to the resolution; and

10.1.3       it is contained in an authenticated document which has been received at the registered office within the period of 28 days beginning with the circulation date.

10.2            A resolution in writing may comprise several copies to which one or more Registered Members have signified their agreement.




11.1            The business of the Society, other than that dealt with at general meetings, shall be transacted by the Governing Body.

11.2            The Governing Body may borrow and invest money acting with reasonable care and skill.




12.1            The Governing Body shall consist of two distinct but connected entities: The International Advisory Council and the Executive Board.

12.2            The International Advisory Council shall consist of:

12.2.1       the Chair of the International Advisory Council;

12.2.2       twenty-nine other International Advisory Council members, save during the transition period as set out in Appendix 1.

12.3            The Executive Board shall consist of:

12.3.1       the Chair of the Society;

12.3.2       the Vice-Chair of the Society;

12.3.3       the Honorary Secretary;

12.3.4       the Honorary Treasurer;

12.3.5       one further member; 

12.3.6       the previous Chair of the Society (ex officio, without voting rights).

12.4            Upon being elected to the Executive Board following a Biennial General Meeting (“BGM”) or International Advisory Council summer meeting, members of the Board shall immediately cease to be members of the International Advisory Council for their term of office.

12.5            Following completion of a term of office on the Executive Board, members may continue as members of the International Advisory Council for the remainder of their original term



13.1        International Advisory Council

13.1.1       International Advisory Council Members shall be elected by the Registered Members in the four weeks prior to the BGM every two years by means of electronic voting. The results of the vote shall be confirmed at the BGM.

13.1.2       The International Advisory Council Members shall be elected for a period of six years with a third being elected every two years. On completion of a six year term International Advisory Council Members can be re-elected for a further period of 2 years.

13.1.3       Registered Members listed as standing for election to the International Advisory Council shall have been nominated by two Registered Members on the basis of personal knowledge and shall have signified their willingness to serve if elected.

13.1.4       A Governing Body Member shall cease to hold office if:          they resign by giving not less than one month written notice to the Chair of the Executive Boardor, if the Chair, to the Vice-Chair.          they are removed from the Governing Body by a resolution of the International Advisory Council that it is in the best interests of the Society that they are removed from office. A resolution to remove a Governing Body Member from the Governing Body may only be passed if:             the Governing Body Members, including the Governing Body Member in question, shall have been given 14 days’ notice of such a proposal; and             the Governing Body Member in question shall have the right to be represented at a meeting of the International Advisory Council.

13.1.5       The International Advisory Council may co-opt Registered Members to the International Advisory Council whenever considered necessary.

13.2            Executive Board

13.2.1       The Executive Board of the Governing Body, comprised of Chair of the Society, Vice Chair, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, and one further member, shall be elected by and from the International Advisory Council. In even years two Members shall be elected at its first meeting after each BGM. In odd years three Members shall be elected at the International Advisory Council summer meeting.  Executive Board members are elected for a term of two years up to a maximum of three times, though no more than two terms in any one role.

13.2.2       If possible, the President shall chair the International Advisory Council meeting on the occasion of the nomination and election of members of the Executive Board. In the absence of the President at the election of the Board, the Chair of the International Advisory Council shall oversee that part of the meeting.

13.2.3       The Chair of the Society on ceasing to hold office shall be known as the Past Chair of the Society and shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Executive Board as an ex officio member without voting rights until the next BGM.

13.3            Chair of the Executive Board

13.3.1       Following the end of the Chair of the Society’s term of office and upon being elected to the International Advisory Council, any member shall indicate, with the support of two further members of the International Advisory Council, whether they would like to stand for the post of Chair of the Society. If there is more than one candidate, the Council shall hold a vote to elect the Chair. If there is only one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall ratify the appointment at its first meeting after a BGM.

13.4            Vice Chair of the Executive Board

13.4.1       Following the end of a term of office and upon being elected to the International Advisory Council, Members shall indicate, with the support of two further members of the Council, whether they would like to stand for the post of Vice Chair of the Society. If there is more than one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall hold a vote to elect the Vice Chair. If there is only one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall ratify the appointment at its first meeting after a BGM.

13.5            The Honorary Treasurer

13.5.1       Following the end of a term of office and upon being elected to the International Advisory Council, Members shall indicate, with the support of two further members of the International Advisory Council, whether they would like to stand for the post of Honorary Treasurer of the Society. If there is more than one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall hold a vote to elect the Honorary Treasurer. If there is only one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall ratify the appointment at its first meeting after a BGM.

13.5.2       The Honorary Treasurer shall perform such duties as the Governing Body may from time to time prescribe.

13.5.3       The Honorary Treasurer shall keep accurate accounts of all monies of the Society, deal with such monies in accordance with the direction of the Governing Body and report at meetings of the Governing Body and at BGMs on the financial state of the Society.

13.6            The Honorary Secretary

13.6.1       Following the end of a term of office and upon being elected to the International Advisory Council, Members shall indicate, with the support of two further members of the Council, whether they would like to stand for the post of Honorary Secretary of the Society. If there is more than one candidate, the Council shall hold a vote to elect the Honorary Treasurer. If there is only one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall ratify the appointment at its first meeting after a BGM.

13.6.2       The Honorary Secretary shall perform such duties as the Governing Body may from time to time prescribe and ensure that all data relating to the Society is processed in accordance with applicable data protection legislation.

13.7            Ordinary Member of the Executive Board

13.7.1       Following the end of a term of office and upon being elected to the International Advisory Council, Members shall indicate, with the support of two further members of the International Advisory Council, whether they would like to stand for the post of Ordinary Member of the Executive Board. If there is more than one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall hold a vote to elect the Ordinary Member of the Board. If there is only one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall ratify the appointment at its first meeting after a BGM.

13.8            The Chair of the International Advisory Council

13.8.1       Following the end of a term of office and upon being elected to the International Advisory Council, Members shall indicate, with the support of two further members of the International Advisory Council, whether they would like to stand for the post of Chair of the Council. If there is more than one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall hold a vote to elect the Chair. If there is only one candidate, the International Advisory Council shall ratify the appointment at its first meeting after a BGM.

13.8.2       The Chair of the International Advisory Council shall be elected for a term of two years up to a maximum of three times by and from the International Advisory Council at its first meeting after each BGM. Time served as Chair of the International Advisory Council shall not count towards the term of office as an ordinary Member of the International Advisory Council.

13.8.3       Following completion of a term of office as Chair of the International Advisory Council, the person concerned may continue as a member of the International Advisory Council for the remainder of their original term.

13.8.4       The Chair of the International Advisory Council shall perform such duties as the Governing Body may from time to time prescribe.

13.8.5       The Chair of the International Advisory Council shall ensure the effective operation of the International Advisory Council through overseeing the working groups detailed in 16.3.2 and representing the interests of International Advisory Council Members to the Executive Board.



14.1            The International Advisory Council may, as it sees fit, appoint a person to the post of President of the Society.

14.2            The appointment shall be for a period of two years, which may be extended by re-appointment at the discretion of the International Advisory Council.

14.3            The President shall have no voting rights in Governing Body meetings but shall be entitled to receive copies of Governing Body minutes and associated papers and to attend meetings of the Governing Body.

14.4            The President shall not be counted in calculating the total membership of the Governing Body or the quorum of a meeting of the Governing Body.

14.5            The President on ceasing to hold office shall be known as the Past President of the Society.

14.6            The President shall perform such duties as shall be agreed with the Governing Body.

14.7            The President shall normally preside over BGMs.



15.1            The Editors, from time to time, of the Society’s Journals and publications, shall be invited to attend meetings of the Governing Body but shall have no voting rights and shall not be counted for calculating the quorum for meetings of the Governing Body.

15.2            The Editors shall, however, be entitled to received copies of Governing Body minutes and associated papers and speak upon invitation at meetings of the Governing Body.



16.1            Any Governing Body Member can call a Governing Body meeting.

16.2            Meetings of the Executive Board

16.2.1       The Honorary Secretary shall give 14 Clear Days’ notice of an Executive Board meeting to all those entitled to attend.

16.2.2       The Executive Board shall meet approximately every month and be responsible for both the week-to-week functioning of the Society and the implementation of recommendations from the International Advisory Council working groups.

16.2.3       An Executive Board meeting may be held by suitable electronic means agreed by the Governing Body Members in which each participant may communicate with all the other participants.

16.2.4       A quorum at an Executive Board meeting shall be three Board Members.

16.2.5       An Executive Board Member shall not be counted in the quorum when any decision is made about a matter upon which that Executive Board Member is not entitled to vote.

16.2.6       In the event of a quorum not being obtained within 15 minutes of the time fixed for the commencement of an Executive Board meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a time and place in the following 21 days designated by the Honorary Secretary, when the Board Members present, whatever their number, shall constitute a quorum.

16.2.7       No decision may be made in an Executive Board meeting unless a quorum is present at the time the decision is purported to be made. “Present” includes being present by suitable electronic means agreed by the Governing Body Members in which a participant or participants may communicate with all the other participants.

16.2.8       Each Executive Board Member has one vote either by a show of hands or electronic voting. Questions arising at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes (i.e. 3 votes).

16.2.9       The Chair of the Society or, in his or her absence, the Vice-Chair, shall chair Executive Board meetings. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair of the Society (or Vice-Chair) shall have a second or casting vote.

16.2.10    A resolution in writing or in electronic form agreed by all of the Executive Board Members entitled to receive notice of an Executive Board meeting and to vote upon the resolution shall be valid and effectual as if it had been passed at an Executive Board meeting duly convened and held.

16.2.11    The resolution in writing may comprise several documents containing the text of the resolution in like form to each of which one or more Executive Board Members has signified their agreement.

16.3            Meetings of the International Advisory Council

16.3.1       The International Advisory Council shall meet once a year as part of an annual summit of the Governing Body and associated groups.

16.3.2       The International Advisory Council shall be responsible for delivering, through the formation of working groups meeting more frequently, recommendations about the Society’s activity, such working groups to include, but not limited to: Communications; Biennial Conference; Events; Membership; PhD Student Members; Publications; Bursaries, Honours & Awards; Partnerships; Strategic Planning. All working Groups can be amended, disbanded or formed according to the changing needs of the Society as determined from time to time by the Governing Body.

16.3.3       All International Advisory Board members shall be involved with at least one working group, and each working group will have one sponsor from the Executive Board as liaison.

16.3.4       An International Advisory Council meeting may be held by suitable electronic means agreed by the Governing Body Members in which each participant may communicate with all the other participants.

16.3.5       A quorum at an International Advisory Council meeting shall be 10 members, or one third of the International Advisory Council, whichever is higher.

16.3.6       An International Advisory Council Member shall not be counted in the quorum when any decision is made about a matter upon which that International Advisory Council Member is not entitled to vote.

16.3.7       In the event of a quorum not being obtained within 15 minutes of the time fixed for the commencement of an International Advisory Council meeting, the meeting shall stand adjourned to a time and place in the following 21 days designated by the Chair of the International Advisory Council, when the Council Members present, whatever their number, shall constitute a quorum.

16.3.8       No decision may be made in an International Advisory Council unless a quorum is present at the time the decision is purported to be made. “Present” includes being present by suitable electronic means agreed by the Governing Body Members in which a participant or participants may communicate with all the other participants.

16.3.9       Each International Advisory Council Member has one vote either by a show of hands, secret ballot, or electronic voting. Questions arising at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes.

16.3.10    The International Advisory Council Chair or, in his or her absence, a nominee shall Chair Council meetings. In the case of an equality of votes, the Chair (or nominee) shall have a second or casting vote.

16.3.11    A resolution in writing or in electronic form agreed by all of the International Advisory Council Members entitled to receive notice of an International Advisory Council meeting and to vote upon the resolution shall be valid and effectual as if it had been passed at an International Advisory Council meeting duly convened and held.

16.3.12    The resolution in writing may comprise several documents containing the text of the resolution in like form to each of which one or more International Advisory Council Board Members has signified their agreement.




17.1            A Governing Body Member must declare on an annual basis the nature and extent of any interest, direct or indirect, which they have in a proposed transaction or arrangement with the Society or in any transaction or arrangement entered into by the Society which has not previously been declared.

17.2            A Governing Body Member must absent themselves from any discussions of the Society in which it is possible that a conflict will arise between his or her duty to act solely in the interests of Society and any personal interest (including, but not limited to, any personal financial interest).




18.1            If a conflict of interest arises for a Governing Body Member because of a duty of loyalty owed to another organisation or person and the conflict is not authorised by virtue of any other provision in the rules, the unconflicted Governing Body Members may authorise such a conflict of interests where the following conditions apply:

18.1.1       the conflicted Governing Body Member is absent from the part of the meeting at which there is discussion of any arrangement or transaction affecting that other organisation or person;

18.1.2       the conflicted Governing Body Member does not vote on any such matter and is not to be counted when considering whether a quorum of Governing Body Members is present at the meeting; and

18.1.3       the unconflicted Governing Body Members consider it is in the interests of the Society to authorise the conflict of interest in the circumstances applying.

18.2            A conflict of interests arising because of a duty of loyalty owed to another organisation or person only refers to such a conflict which does not involve a direct or indirect benefit of any nature to a Governing Body Member or to a connected person.



19.1            The Governing Body must keep minutes of all:

19.1.1       Appointments of Members to the Governing Body;

19.1.2       Proceedings at meetings of the Governing Body;

19.1.3       Executive Board and International Advisory Council meetings including:          the names of the Governing Body Members present at the meeting;          the decisions made at the meetings.



20.1            The Executive Board shall cause proper annual accounting records to be kept with respect to all sums of money received and expended by the Society, all sales and purchases by the Society and all assets and liabilities of the Society.

20.2            At each BGM the Executive Board shall present to the Registered Members an account of income and expenditure for the preceding two years together with a balance sheet.

20.3            The accounts shall be independently verified by a qualified accountant appointed at the previous BGM and the accounts together with a report by the appointed accountant shall be made available to Registered Members.




21.1            Subject to the rules, any notice or document to be sent or supplied to a Governing Body Member in connection with the taking of decisions by Governing Body Members may be sent or supplied by the means by which that Governing Body Member has asked to be sent or supplied with such notices or documents for the time being.

21.2            Any notice to be given to or by any person pursuant to the rules

21.2.1       must be in writing; or

21.2.2       must be given in electronic form.

21.3            The Society shall give any notice to a Registered Member either:

21.3.1       by sending it in electronic form to the Registered Member’s email address;

21.3.2       by placing the notice on a website and providing the person with a notification in writing or in electronic form of the presence of the notice on the website. The notification must state that it concerns a notice of a Society meeting and must specify the place, date and time of the meeting

unless expressly requested otherwise by the Registered Member.

21.4            A Registered Member who does not register an e-mail address with the Society shall not be entitled to receive any notice from the Society.

21.5            A Registered Member present in person at any meeting of the Society shall be deemed to have received notice of the meeting and of the purposes for which it was called.

21.6            Proof that an electronic form of notice was given shall be conclusive where the Society can demonstrate that it was properly addressed and sent.

21.7            Notice shall be deemed to be given:

21.7.1       in the case of an electronic form of communication, 48 hours after it was sent or

21.7.2       48 hours after the envelope containing it was posted.



22.1            The Governing Body Members shall be indemnified out of the funds of the Society against all costs, charges, losses, damage and expenses which they shall respectively incur or be put to on account of any act, deed, matter or thing which shall be executed, done or permitted by them respectively in good faith in or about the execution of their respective offices.

22.2            Governing Body Members shall not normally incur any but minor expenditures without the authorisation of the Honorary Treasurer. Expenses incurred without such authorisation may, however, be paid at the discretion of the Honorary Treasurer depending upon the amount and circumstances, if these are deemed to have been incurred in good faith in the execution of the Governing Body Members’ duties.

22.3            The Governing Body Members may decide to purchase and maintain insurance, at the expense of the Society, for the benefit of any Governing Body Member or former Governing Body Member in respect of any loss or liability which has been or may be incurred by a Governing Body Member in connection with that Governing Body Member’s duties or powers in relation to the Society.



23.1            Alterations or additions to these rules may be effected by a majority of at least 75% of those present and entitled to vote at a general meeting, such proposals having been made known to all Registered Members at the time of giving notice of the said general meeting.

23.2            Such changes, having been approved, shall become effective from the date of a notice formally informing all Registered Members that the proposed changes were approved by those Registered Members attending the general meeting.




DRS Governance 2020-2030: Election Process and Transition Plan


Election Process

Election of members to the International Advisory Council (IAC) occurs every 2 years prior to the Biennial General Meeting (BGM) normally held at the Biennial DRS conference.

One-third of the International Advisory Council is elected every two years.

Newly elected members will be invited to the Biennial DRS Conference as part of the first meeting for the new International Advisory Council.

The Chair of the Society (or outgoing Chair, if applicable) opens the DRS conference.

The election result is communicated at the Biennial General Meeting along with other key information about the development and accounts of the Society.

Every even year the International Advisory Council will elect two members to the Executive Board. Every odd year the International Advisory Council will elect three members to the Executive Board. Executive Board Members can seek re-election under the terms of Article 13.2.1.

Serving a term on the Executive Board does not count towards the original term for the International Advisory Council (as specified in the rules).

The outgoing Chair hands over to the new Chair at the close of conference (if applicable).


Proposed Transition

2020   Elect IAC of 18 members (current Council is 14)

            Elect Chair of the EB, Elect Chair of IAC, Elect 5 members to EB

            IAC = 13, EB = 5

2022   Elect additional 10 members to IAC (=28)

            Elect Chair of the EB, Elect Chair of IAC, Elect 2 members to EB

            Elect 3 Members to EB for a one-year period 

            IAC = 23, EB = 5

2023   Elect 3 Members to EB at the summer meeting of the IAC

2024   Elect additional 10 members to IAC (=38)

            Elect Chair of the EB, Elect Chair of IAC, Elect 2 members to EB,

            IAC = 33, EB = 5

2025   Elect 3 Members to EB at the summer meeting in IAC.

2026   18 IAC members reach end of term (can stand again for +2 years)

            Elect 10 new (or +2) IAC members (=30)

            Elect Chair of the EB, Elect Chair of IAC, Elect 2 members to EB,

            IAC = 30 (25), EB = 5



Normal Operation

2028   10 IAC members reach end of term (can stand again for +2 years)

            Elect 10 new (or +2) IAC members

            Elect Chair of the EB, Elect Chair of IAC, Elect 2 members to EB

            IAC = 30 (25), EB = 5

2029   Elect 3 members to EB

2030   10 IAC members reach end of term (can stand again for +2 years)

            Elect 10 new (or +2) IAC members

            Elect Chair of the EB, Elect Chair of IAC, Elect 2 members to EB

            IAC = 30 (25), EB = 5

2031   Elect 3 members to EB